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Ravi Kanniganti

Business Lessons I Learned from my Hobby

Life is perhaps the most creative teacher there is. It has a strange way of teaching you lessons you never thought of learning. A new adventure, a new relationship, or even your hobby can enlighten you in ways that can transform your life forever. I took up photography as a hobby, as an activity to help me relax. Little did I know that it would give me life lessons that no other venture could. Right from the moment you hold a camera, you understand that focus is what makes your subject stand out. A blurry picture simply means that your focus is not on the mark. This is what applies to business as well. If your goal is not being met, maybe your focus has to be readjusted. Another important lesson I learned from photography is about the importance of getting the timing correct. There were moments when I would hit the shutter button too soon or too late. As a result, the photo would come out to be completely different from what I had expected. In businesses, too, knowing when to act is critical for success. Isn't it? Being too late or too quick can jeopardize your entire lifework. So I learned that knowing when to strike would get me the perfect results. To add, patience is a virtue that a photographer needs to learn early on in their journey. There were times when I would wait for hours, if not days, for that perfect shot. Had I given up easily, I wouldn't have had the collection that I boast of today. I've realized that I would have missed out on many opportunities without patience. Same applies to big transformation and innovation projects as well. In my many years of practicing photography, hardly any photos came out perfect in a single try. It would take me many reviews and retakes to get a copy that satisfied me completely. Similarly, there are very few businesses that take off the first time. So in life, too, giving yourself countless chances to prove yourself is what I conclude from here. Lastly, enjoying what you do makes it worthwhile. Because I enjoy my time as a photographer, I could take every setback as a lesson and not as another reason to leave. However, if you do not see the fun in it, it adds up as yet another tedious task, no matter if it is your hobby or your business. What are the lessons you've learned from your hobbies?

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